Remote Access

Your institution's subscription provides access to AccessScience wherever you are, even when you are not connected to your institution's network. 


If you see a message at the top right corner of your display that says "Access via [your institution]," then you can use all of the content on AccessScience now.

AccessScience provides automatic content access for subscribers through several different methods, including recognizing that your device is within the institution's network (for example, on WiFi) or that you have come to the site through a link that lives on your institution's Intranet or Learning Management System (LMS).

Plus, once AccessScience identifies your device and browser through one of these methods, it automatically puts a cookie in your browser, giving you six months of seamless remote access on that device within the same browser.

Important Keys to Enabling Seamless Remote Access: 

  • Accept cookies if prompted
  • Use the same web browser
  • Do not clear cookies from your web browser

When the six months is up, you will need to return to AccessScience again from within your institution's network in order to renew remote access for another six-month period. If you clear your cookies, you will also need to log back into AccessScience from within your institution's network in order to restart your remote access.

If you don't see a message at the top right corner of your display that says "Access via [your institution]," but you know your institution subscribes to AccessScience, then . . .

Your institution may require you to sign in using one of the following options. Note that both methods below require you to sign in with your institutional credentials each time you need remote access to AccessScience. 

Using a proxied link (usually through your library's website):

Step 1: Go to your institution's library homepage

Step 2: Locate the list of databases

Step 3: Use the link provided to connect to AccessScience

Step 4: Log in when prompted with your institutional credentials

Using Shibboleth/Open Athens (if your institution has this set up):

Step 1: Click on the "My Account" link at the top right of your screen

Step 2: Select "Log in via your institution" from the menu

Step 3: Select your institution from the list provided

Step 4: Log in with your institutional credentials

If your institution has an AccessScience subscription and you are still having trouble getting full content access, please contact us.